The Threatened ‘Rio Dolphin’ Needs Your Help

All eyes are on Brazil as the host country of the 2016 Summer Olympics. Sea Shepherd Legal is making the most of the media attention and timeously staged its online campaign to save the Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis). This is the same species that is depicted on the coat of arms of the host city of the Games of the XXXI Olympiad, or Rio 2016.

Guiana Doplphins_Image Courtesy of Instituto Boto Cinza (1)The Guiana dolphins are locally known as boto cinza. They are similar to the bottlenose dolphin, however they are smaller and live in pods of 2-10. An estimated 800 Guiana dolphins are thought to remain, and approximately 10 are killed every month. Catherine Pruett, Sea Shepherd Legal’s Executive Director, “What we are fighting for here is to ensure that the Guiana dolphin doesn’t go the way of Mexico’s vaquita porpoise – a species moments away from extinction due to the same threats.”

The Guianas are threatened due to fishing, pollution, loss of habitat and shipping and port development in the Bay of Sepetiba in Rio. Sea Shepherd Legal is working together with the Brazilian Federal Prosecutors Office and two local non-governmental bodies to ensure that this species of dolphin remains in the seas and not just an image on a flag.

While the international spotlight is on Brazil, help make them accountable for the protection of this species. Support Sea Shepherd Legal by adding weight to the campaign, include your name on the petition now!.

Categorized under: Scuba Diving, South America
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Published 16 Aug 2016