SIPD Reintroduces Giant Clams in Semporna

Have you ever had the marvellous fortune of gazing into the electric blue colours of a giant clam while diving in Sipadan? These truly unbelievable creatures are dwindling in number and The Semporna Islands Darwin Project (SIDP) is taking outstanding steps to re-introduce the giant clams into the Tun Sakaran Marine Park in Sabah, Malaysia.

The Tun Sakaran Marine Park is home to 7 species of giant clams, but the rare southern giant clams ‘Tridacna Derasa‘ have been extensively harvested for their meat and vibrant shells, leaving behind very few mature adults for the propagation of the species.

Over the past year SIDP have successfully raised 1,000’s of these clams as well as the ‘Tridacna Gigas’ in their hatchery. They are now almost ready to be ‘planted out’ on the reef. This is an ongoing project to turn the tide and constructively contribute towards the survival of these exquisite clams. Well done SIDP!

Yet another excellent reason to take your next holiday diving in Sipadan don’t you think? Contact Dive The World for more information about 1 of our Malaysian Dive Resorts. You could send us an email or call us on +66 (0)83 505 7794.

Categorized under: Malaysia, Nature/Wildlife
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Published 12 Aug 2010