Maldives Emergency not to impact tourists

You may have heard the news that the Maldives has declared a state of emergency for 30 days ahead of an anti-government rally. While the words ‘state of emergency’ never sound good, it is worth pointing out that this ought not to have any impact on tourists visiting the Indian Ocean state.

The Maldivian government (whoever it may be) knows what side its bread is buttered on. Tourism is of such huge importance to the country that nothing is allowed to interfere with international holiday-makers enjoying the islands and atolls of the country. So don’t be alarmed. The amazing dive sites of the Maldives are unaffected and your enjoyment of them will be too.

We have been notified by our operator partners that this is indeed the case and it is business as usual. So there is no need to panic. There is no cause for any change of plans and nothing is being cancelled by the operators.

Here is the official governmental notification…

The official news release by the Maldives government

Contact Dive The World for more information +66 (0)94 582 7973 / (0)83 505 7794 or send us an email.

Categorized under: Beach Destinations, Maldives
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Published 5 Nov 2015