Diving Inquiries

Contact Form

Please complete this simple form. We will reply to your dive inquiry within 24 hours. There is no commitment with submitting the form. We won't ask for your credit card details or payment until you decide on the dive package that is right for you!

* - Indicates required information.

Contact Details

Liveaboard Trip Details...

Dive Resort Details...

Day Trip Details...

Dive Course Details...

How many nights onboard?
Divers in your party Non-divers in your party
Check one or many courses that you are interested in...
Novice level
 Discover Scuba Diving (introductory scuba lesson)
 Scuba Diver (intermediate diving certification)
 Open Water Diver (fully-qualified license)
Advanced level
 Adventure Diver (single-day pre-advanced license)
 Advanced Open Water
 Rescue Diver
 Specialty Courses (indicate your choice in the wish list below)
Pro' level
No. of students
in your party


Privacy Policy
Dive The World will never sell, rent, barter or otherwise share any of your details with any unconnected third party without your consent

That's it! Press the 'Send' button once, then wait for your 'thank you' page to display.


... Thank you so much for the speedy reply. I must compliment Dive The World on their efficiency and the comprehensive reply. Definitely makes my day at work more interesting and I look forward to November ... -- , Hong Kong.  [More customer reviews]